Friday, August 3, 2012

SERIES: The Experts in Our Field ft. Crop Insurance

Choose MAFC for Your Crop Insurance Needs, Part 2

By: Kelly Bailey, crop insurance specialist

Happy Friday, and welcome to our last crop insurance department tribute.  I told you there were more reasons for why we’re your best choice for crop insurance.  So, here you go:
  1. We are committed to learning.  We take the time to attend different agriculture and insurance related seminars, trainings, and events multiple times per year to expand our knowledge and better serve you. Crop insurance is an industry of change, and we work hard to make sure that we stay up to date with the industry.
  2. We have a service oriented attitude – from figuring out production totals to filing claims, we work with our customers to ensure they receive exceptional service from our agents. Since crop insurance can be used as a tool to increase borrowing potential, what better place to work with an agent that has your loan officer in house? All of your needs can be met in the same place.
  3. And we’re growing (and will continue to if that means better service to you). We mentioned earlier this week that our services have expanded to cover our entire territory by hiring new employees.  Do you have any other suggestions for us?
All in all, you put everything you have into your business, so why not let the best of the industry take care of your crop insurance needs?  We’re here to help you make the best of your growing seasons – in good times and bad.  So, choose Farm Credit and our team of experts to help you plan for success.  If you have any questions, tweet me @KellyBailey1103 or give us a call at 888-339-3334.

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