Thursday, August 2, 2012

SERIES: The Experts in Our Field ft. Crop Insurance

Choose MAFC for Your Crop Insurance Needs, Part 1

By: Kelly Bailey, crop insurance specialist

Hello, again!  I knew you would come back today to learn about why you should partner with MAFC for your crop insurance needs.  Since selecting your crop insurance agent is an important business decision that could impact your operation for years to come, you want to select someone who knows the industry and can keep up with the changes in the program that could impact your coverage.  We can do just that! Here are a few reasons why we are the experts in our field:
  1. Our crop insurance department has been meeting farmer’s needs for over 25 years. How? We make sure your acreage and production reports are completed accurately and on time.  Also, we help our customers determine the best coverage for their individual needs.
  2. Our agents have agricultural backgrounds, so they understand your concerns.  Teresa, Jordan, Jason, Kathi and I all grew up on farms varying to and from dairy, orchard, grain, and cattle operations.
  3. We only sell crop insurance. This means we can devote as much time as necessary to keep up with industry changes, and make sure that our clients’ needs are met.
  4. We work with those in our community: The agents at MAFC strive to establish relationships with the local FSA offices, Farm Bureaus, and Extension offices. We believe that by working together, we can help serve our customers more efficiently and provide exceptional service.
Still need more proof that we are the best crop of experts in our field?  Stop by tomorrow as we wrap up our mini-series on the crop insurance department and tell you more about how we’re working to serve you.  If you have any questions, tweet me @KellyBailey1103.

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