Thursday, July 19, 2012

Prepare Yourself and Your Farm for Hurricane Season

The Mid-Atlantic region has been pretty lucky the last few years by being spared serious problems as a result of hurricanes, but this year that could change!  The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration expects as many as 18 named storms (in which 10 could strengthen to hurricanes and 3-6 to major hurricanes) in our area this year.

So what should you do if a hurricane or major storm is headed towards your home and farm?  Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
  1. Check your back-up generator and have adequate fuel, filters, and spare parts on hand for several days of operations.
  2. Plan your propane and gas delivery for an earlier time that normal.
  3. Check your feed inventory and purchase extra ahead of time.
  4. Keep your farm and house lanes and driveways clear of debris and roadblocks.
  5. Secure all outside objects.
  6. Keep cell phones fully charged.
  7. Keep drain ditches free of debris to move flooding away from home and barns.
  8. Make sure your equipment is fully fueled.
  9. Put all important documents in waterproof containers.
  10. Keep cash on hand and a list of important contacts.
This is definitely just a starting point for what to do for your home or farm if a hurricane is headed your way, so if you have more to add, feel free!  Keep safe this season, readers.

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