Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Have You Seen “The Maryland Harvest?”

In a culture that is increasingly separated from its agricultural roots, all most Americans know about their food is that it comes from the grocery store.  Pretty disturbing, huh?  Fortunately, the rise of the “Eat Local” movement is helping people all across the country reconnect with the foods they eat and the farmers who grow or raise those foods.

So, we ask again, “Have you seen The Maryland Harvest?”  This is a new hour-long documentary that aired on Maryland Public Television highlighting the partnership between local farmers and chefs, giving the viewers a chance to get to know the farmers who supply the bounty of produce, meat, and seafood they devour.  You may know the host, Al Spoler, as a co-host of “Cellar Notes” radio program and a former MPT director.

The documentary includes interviews with over forty Maryland farmers and eight local chefs who work with them.  This documentary is important for educating the public about how important farming and the farmers are to having nutritious products on our dinner tables.

Tell us – What do you think? How can we educate the public about the importance of farming? And most importantly, have you seen The Maryland Harvest? To read more, check out page 4 of our Farm Credit Leader magazine.

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